
50 campagne minimaliste da cui trarre ispirazione

L’advertising ideale è quello che riesce a trasmettere un messaggio in modo semplice, diretto, essenziale, senza orpelli o abbellimenti, solo mettendo a nudo il concetto essenziale da comunicare.
Ma le cose semplici sono spesso più difficili da pensare e soprattutto realizzare, in quanto richiedono un maggiore impegno: l’arte della sintesi, togliere invece che aggiungere senza che il messaggio ne risenta.

In questo post di ho trovato una raccolta di 50 campagne stampa, esempi molto interessanti dove ” less is most definitely more” 🙂

P.S. Anche una campagna italiana fra le selezionate 😉


Fabercastell True colours: Shark

Fabercastell True Colours: Shark

Greenpeace: Ordinary Bulbs are Killing the Environment

Greenpeace: Ordinary Bulbs are Killing the Environment

LA Bicycle: Folding Bike

LA Bicycle: Folding Bike

Subaru Impreza STI: Scars

Subaru Impreza STI: Scars

Hut Weber: Hitler vs. Chaplin

Hut Weber: Hitler vs. Chaplin

K-Lynn Lingerie: Panties

K-Lynn Lingerie: Panties

Bank Forum, Commerzbank: Chaos

Bank Forum, Commerzbank: Chaos

Veet: Soap

Veet: Soap

Pringles Rice Infusions: Sushi

Pringles Rice Infusions: Sushi

Lego: Periscope

Lego: Periscope

Faber Castell: Night

Faber Castell: Night

Pilot: Mummy

Pilot: Mummy

Two Seconds to spot are two seconds too late

Two Seconds to spot are two seconds too late

DHL Express: Elephant, No size limits

DHL Express: Elephant. No size limits

Gazeteport: Chain, Days without “press”ure are coming

Gazeteport: Chain. Days withouth 'press'ure are coming

WWF: Shark It’s your turn

WWF: Shark It's your turn

Hospital Aleman: Stairs

Hospital Aleman: Stairs

Lego: Tank

Lego: Tank

CNN Weather Report. 99% Accurate

CNN Weather Report: 99% Accurate

FedEx: Statue of Sugarloaf

FedEx: Statue of Sugarloaf

BMW spare parts

BMW spare parts

Volkswagen Snow Tires: Crystal

Volkswagen Snow Tires: Crystal

Orbit, remote car starters: Small

Orbit, remote car starters: Small

Smoke it outside

Smoke it outside

Bosch Electric Screwdriver: The fly

Bosch Electric Screwdriver: The fly

Olay: Undo

Olay: Undo

Listerine: Garlic

Listerine: Garlic

Oral-B Dental Floss: Fish

Oral-B Dental Floss: Fish

Ace: Shark

Ace: Shark

Writes 2 kms. BIC

Writes 2kms. BIC

Cannes Young Lions: Baby Bottle

Cannes Young Lions: Baby Bottle

Calgary Farmers’ Market: Pear

Calgary Farmer's Market: Pear

Alka Seltzer: Magician

Alka Seltzer: Magician

Colgate Dental Floss: Strawberry

Colgate Dental Floss: Strawberry

Black Ribbon Michael Jackson

Black Ribbon Michael Jackson

Hubba Bubba: Mouth

Hubba Bubba: Mouth

Sensodyne toothpaste: Hard Hat

Sensodyne toothpaste: Hard Hat

Volkswagen: Shift, 2

Volkswagen: Shift, 2

ATM (Azienda Trasporti Milanesi): Blue

ATM (Azienda Trasporti Milanesi): Blue

Alka Seltzer: Chicklhouette

Alka Seltzer: Chicklhouette

Albert Dali Naming Consultants: Corn-net-toe

Albert Dali Naming Consultants: Corn-net-toe

The Green Ant: Minimalism

The Green Ant: Minimalism

Kapiti: Designer ice cream, 2

Kapiti: Designer ice cream, 2

Sony: Store the Impossible

Sony: Store the Impossible

Bon Voyage Magazine: Flag

Bon Voyage Magazine: Flag

Social Networking since 1873

Social Networking since 1873

Japanese food from 11AM

Japanese food from 11AM

Darts: Passion for details

Darts: Passion for details

Pringles Jalapeno: Tongue

Pringles Jalapeno: Tongue

Nikon Coolpix S8000: Zoom In, Yeti

Nikon Coolpix S8000: Zoom In, Yeti

Art Director, Web Editor, New Media Consultant. Alleva sampietrini, coltiva gatti sul tetto di casa, e beve caffè solo per il gusto di fotografarlo. Ideatrice nonché direttore editoriale di Glypho e Tiragraffi, The Reservoir Blogs, CafeXperiment e Presidente dell'Associazione Culturale Sampietrino.

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