
Gotham 7.5K by Vincent Laforet

Gotham 7.5K by Vincent LaforetIl fotografo e filmmaker Vincent Laforet, su richiesta di Men’s Health Magazine, ha affittato un elicottero e ha sorvolato New York a un’altitudine di 2000 metri (7.500 piedi) da terra.
Il risultato sono queste meravigliose foto (qui per goderne in alta risoluzione) di una città viva, pulsante, piena di luci e dallo skyline inconfondibile.

Un’esperienza che lo stesso fotografo ha definito “It is both exhilarating and terrifying all at once…”



[quote]These are some of the most unique images that I have ever photographed of New York City in nearly two decades…[/quote]



Gotham 7.5K by Vincent Laforet

Gotham 7.5K by Vincent Laforet

Gotham 7.5K by Vincent Laforet

Gotham 7.5K by Vincent Laforet

Gotham 7.5K by Vincent Laforet

Gotham 7.5K by Vincent Laforet

Gotham 7.5K by Vincent Laforet

Gotham 7.5K by Vincent Laforet

Gotham 7.5K by Vincent Laforet

Gotham 7.5K by Vincent Laforet

Gotham 7.5K by Vincent Laforet

Gotham 7.5K by Vincent Laforet

Gotham 7.5K by Vincent Laforet

Gotham 7.5K by Vincent Laforet

Gotham 7.5K by Vincent Laforet

Gotham 7.5K by Vincent Laforet

Gotham 7.5K by Vincent Laforet

Gotham 7.5K by Vincent Laforet




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